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The White Home
1950 Sq. Ft.
Apulbhai Doshi And Amitbhai Doshi
Shaily Ganatra
Kalpesh Ganatra

The Doshis were a very unique kind of clients for us as they inspired us to design their home that reflected a combination of modernism and tradition.
Here we have focused on playing with multiple feels in white and then adding contrast bright color elements to give life to it.
Our aim was to reflect the very nature of our clients, that is their love for simplicity with a little tinge of brightness.
They lived in a joint family with a lot of unity and that’s why we represented it by giving a diversified look in designing, combining it with plays of whites.
Exploring with designing of a light fixture on a wall was done to add play to the plain white wall.
And play of colored glasses in temple doors was done to add life to all the multiple white backgrounds.